Data Privacy & Security

Data protection deals in particular with the issue of self-determination with personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/DSGVO) also requires the withdrawal of rights granted to third parties.

With UNITED-PAGES, the owner of the data determines (by choosing an email address) the PROVIDER where his data will be stored and can at any time change in detail who has read or write rights other than him. Current data can thus be read by authorized requester always when required and do not need to be permanently stored elsewhere.

Data security includes techniques that ensure data protection, i.e. how the integrity of the data is secured, how the owner determines access rights and how a requester is authenticated and authorized to access.

Data security is typically implemented using encryption. Asymmetric encryption is a sophisticated way to avoid a complicated exchange of symmetric keys, but in contrast to symmetric encryption it is a time-consuming task and not suitable for a huge amount of data. Hybrid-encryption combines the advantages of asymmetric and symmetric encryption (e.g. in PGP(pretty good privacy) an automatically generated symmetric session key is encrypted with an asymmetric key and the ‘payload’ (message) is encrypted with the symmetric session key).

UNITED-PAGES uses the symmetric encryption of https to protect the request-, response-body and Basic-Authentication-Header. A (https-protected) Authentication-Header may contain a (unencrypted) password within the webservice-request. The password itself can be exchanged beforehand using asymmetric encryption. The asymmetric keys that are used for en-/decryption are stored in pky-UNITs, therefore the procedure that will be described below can be denoted ‘inherent’ i.e. no external system is required.

  • Integrity
    The owner’s email address can be derived from the URL/URI of a UNIT, thus ensuring the integrity of the data

  • Authentication
    All requests (GET,PUT, POST, DELETE) can use the HTTP-Basic-Authentication-Header to specify username and password.

    If username is an email-address, password must either be a SESSION-PIN or MASTER-PIN.

    If the requester is registered with the PROVIDER of the requested WEBSERVER, he can use his MASTER-PIN as password (and his registered email-address as username). The MASTER-PIN belongs to the settings of an ACCOUNT and is usually maintained via a PORTAL. The MASTER-PIN has to be handled carefully. It is not mandatory that the MASTER-PIN is identically with the user's password of the PORTAL. It is in the scope of APPLICATIONs that perform resp. requests how the MASTER-PIN is configured e.g. entered manually for every APPLICATION or using a password-manager.

    If the requester (e.g. is not registered with the PROVIDER of the requested WEBSERVER(e.g., he can use a SESSION-PIN as password. The SESSION-PIN can be requested beforehand via a GET-request of a pin-UNIT (that contains the SESSION-PIN) at the requested WEBSERVER
    RETURN: { "_cpin":"D9Kl4nNmK..." }
    Since the requester is unknown at the requested WEBSERVER and therefore no authentication was possible the (generated) SESSION-PIN is returned encrypted in the response-variable _cpin. The encryption is done with the public-key of the requester, that can be obtained by the requested WEBSERVER by a GET-request to the resp. pki-UNIT from the requester’s WEBSERVER.
    RETURN: { "publickey":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjAN...wEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" }

    Only the ‘real’ owner of the email-address (e.g. who knows the private-key can decrypt the response. The (decrypted) SESSION-PIN can be used until expiration (default: 5 Minutes) for any subsequent requests to the requested WEBSERVER (e.g. Since asymmetric encryption is computationally intensive, not a requested UNIT is encrypted, but only the (temporarily valid) SESSION-PIN. It is in the scope of APPLICATIONs that perform resp. requests how the Private-Key is configured (e.g. a GET-request of the resp. pky-UNIT on the own WEBSERVER using the MASTER-PIN for authentication returns additionally the privatekey variable).

    The procedure is shown in detail below and could also be used to exchange a (encrypted) JWT instead of a (encrypted) SESSION-PIN. The special feature is the inherent possibility to retrieve the Public-Key of a CONSUMER that is registered with any PROVIDER.

  • Authorization
    An authenticated requester can create its own new UNITs (PUT), delete its own UNITs (DELETE) and query(GET) or change(PUT) each variable from its own UNITs.

    The owner of a UNIT can tag individual variables of it's UNITs for non-public access and can even grant access rights to requesters who are not registered/unknown with his own PROVIDER. One of the most important functionalities of UNITED-PAGES is, that this is possible with inherent means only. As shown, authentication is based on the fact that a requester’s private-key can be queried using the email address from the Authentication-Header. Authorization is based on the configuration of email addresses whose (authenticated) owners also receive access rights to all variables marked as non-public. Corresponding email address lists can be configured as lst-UNITs and can be assigned individually or to several own UNITs.

    Without authentication, a requester (regardless of whether he is registered with any PROVIDER) can read (GET) public non-tagged variables of foreign UNITs. A special case is possible with the unit-specific UNIT-PIN, which the owner of a UNIT can assign. If a requester has the UNIT-PIN, he can read (GET) and even write (PUT) to all variables (except the UNIT-PIN itself). The UNIT-PIN must be specified as password in the Authentication-Header like the MASTER-PIN and SESSION-PIN. Instead of an email-address, the value _upin must be used as username. The configuration of a UNIT-PIN by the owner of a UNIT is optional and in particular the distribution must be done outside of UNITED-PAGES on secure channels.


In the following example, the CONSUMER chris.cons@c_online. com uses APP_CONSUMER to access contact data of the PRODUCER paul. prod@pmail. com. In his cct-UNIT, Paul makes his phone-number publicly available, whereas his mobile-number is only granted access to a limited number of email addresses.

In a first step, the CONSUMER (which identifies itself as a username in the HTTP authentication header with its email address) receives an encoded SESSION PIN (_cpin).

With the decrypted SESSION-PIN, the CONSUMER can authenticate himself to the respective WEBSERVER_PRODUCER for a limited period of time (with his email address as username and the decrypted SESSION-PIN in the password of the HTTP authentication header). This applies to all UNITs of that WEBSERVER_PRODUCER., not only for the cct-UNIT in the example.

For authentication the WEBSERVER has to check
if ( <Authentication-username> == '_upin' ) {
	if ( <Authentication-password> == <UNIT-PIN of requested UNIT> )
		return true;
		return false;

if ( <Authentication-username> != <any email-address> )
	return false;

if ( <Authentication-username> == <email-address of any user that is registered on this Webserver> ) {
	if ( <Authentication-password> == <MASTER-PIN of email-address> or
		 <Authentication-password> == <SESSION-PIN of email-address> )
		return true;
		return false;
if ( <Authentication-password> == <SESSION-PIN of email-address> )
	return true;
	return false;

If authentication was successful a WEBSERVER has to check if Authentication-Header-Username is authorized for
- read-access, i.e. if the email-address is included in _read (relevant for Get)
- write-access, i.e. if the email-address is included in _write (relevant for Get, Put, Delete)

    every member-variable of a UNIT can be tagged with an additional variable named x_<variablename> of data-type BOOLEAN that determines whether authentication is required for read-access or not e.g. the mobile number of contact data is typically private (x_mobile=true) and the landline number typically public (x_phone=false)
    every UNIT has a global-variable _read whereby email-addresses can be configured whose owners are authorized for read-access of read-tagged member variables. The email-addresses can be enumerated (separated by comma) or stored in an own lst-UNIT, that can be referenced in the _read-variable of different UNITs.
    every UNIT has a global-variable _write whereby email-addresses can be configured whose owners are authorized for write-access on any variable (except _upin, _read, _write). A member has implicitly read access rights.
Access-Variables are used to grant other USERs than the OWNER read- and/or write-access on protected member-variables
Variable Datatype Semantic
_read LIST Read-Whitelist: List of email-addresses that are permitted to read
protected variables, too
_write LIST Write-Whitelist: List of email-addresses that are permitted to change

The account must be related to an email-address (the account-name typically is an email-address)
Optional: an email-provider that is a PROVIDER may not require further registration
Optional: a WEBSERVER may use the account-password as MASTER-PIN
typically edited in the settings of APPLICATION
d) Create pky-UNIT at WEBSERVER
Optional: can be done automatically by the WEBSERVER within the scope of registration
e) Transfer ‘privatekey’ of pky-UNIT to APPLICATION
can be initiated via a Get-request using MASTER-PIN:

Authentification-Header-Password: <MASTER-PIN>

{ “privatekey”:”...” }